Friday, 29 April 2011


We were given a brief to recorder our journey from our University to Nottingham Castle. I really enjoyed this activity as we got to use what we had learnt in the drawing lessons, such as how to control the depth of field with using different media.  

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Lem Bar Stool

I'm still putting the final touches to the GA for my Lem Bar Stool. It's quite difficult gaining accurate data for the stool as it has a lot of variations but i have a accumulated a lot of pictures and information from a variety of sources.  

On the right is the underside of the chair, there are lot more components than what i though as you can see there is a large metal plate. This wasn't illustrated in the 3D CAD drawing they had on their website so i've had to work this out by layering it on top of my auto cad.

Again on the right is the side profile this hight adjuster was also not on the 3D CAD but it was simpler to workout than the under plate as the angle of this photo is quite good although you do have to be careful of perspective when drawing round these photos. 

It took me a while to find these photos because as i said before there are a lot of variations. However thanks to people posting on blogs i've been able to get an accurate technical drawing which i will post after the hand in (6th may).